It is/was New York Fashion Week, so a bunch of alternative celebrities are showing up at lil fashion shows. Pictured above is MGMT's Andrew VanWynGarden. He is chilling with Sean Lennon, the spawn of John Lennon. I wonder if they are talking abt issues like 'Congratulations', 'growing up in the spotlight of ur transcendent father', and the state of the modern indiesphere.
Probs just kinda blazed. Just thinkin abt cats on surfboards and chill stuff like that.
Here is some kreepy photo of Panda Bear from behind that the blogger/journalist took. He seems to really be enjoying fashion [via Comfy in Nautica].
Do u care abt irrelevant former alt-celebs? Here's the Smashing Pumpkinses James Iha being AZN and thinking abt how much he h8s Billy Corgan.
Do u <3 Fashion Show memes?
Is it a 'good career move' 4 alt celebs to go to fashion shows so they look like they 'care' abt 'the arts'?
Is Panda Bear going 2 become a relevant fashion icon, or is he just chillin comfy in Nautica while he was at the jetty last nite?
When will Andy VanBrogardyn ever cheer up? :-(
What is on that bro's mind...?